Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Journal 13: "George Gray"

1. What object symbolizes George Gray’s life? How is this object representative of him?

A boat is used to symbolize George Gray’s life in the epitaph. This object represents him because the boat is not out at sea and has not traveled or done anything exciting. This is representating his life because, like the boat, George Gray had not done anything exciting or worth noting in his life.

2. How was Lucinda Matlock’s life different than George Gray’s? How do you interepret the last line of the poem?

Unlike George who refregeted his boring life, Lucinda Matlock cherished her life and had no regrets even though it was difficult at times. George Gray spent much time regretting what he did not do with his life, but Lucinda Matlock did the opposite.

3. How are “George Gray” and “Lucinda Matlock” examples of realism?

George Gray and Lucinda Matlock are both examples of realism because they talk about the hardships in their everyday life. They do not try to sentimentalize or ideal it, instead they show life as it really is.

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